Announces Change in Co-CEO and Management Structure

April 25, 2024

SDG Impact Japan Inc. hereby announces a change in the Co-CEO and new management structure of SDG Impact Japan, Inc. (“SIJ”), a company specializing in sustainable finance, effective April 1, 2024, as follows.

1.Details of Management Structure Changes

Current TitleNew Title
Bradley BusettoCo-CEODirector, Vice Chairperson
Shohei MaekawaCOOCo-CEO

2.Background of Management Structure Changes

Since our founding in 2021, we have been developing incubation and fund businesses together with our strategic partners with the mission of promoting innovation and creating new capital flows for the next generation of sustainable society. Since its founding, through a wide range of businesses centered on the promotion of sustainability, including the promotion of launching and operating venture capital investment funds in areas such as agri-food tech and sustainability tech that contribute to a sustainable society, investment advisory services for listed stock ESG engagement strategy, and carbon credit business, we have been striving to achieve both social impact and economic growth.

We have decided to change our management structure in order to strengthen the business we have been working on and to expand our business for further growth. As COO of SIJ, Maekawa has provided leadership in the formulation of strategies, the promotion of capital and business alliances, and the incubation of businesses. He will lead the expansion of SIJ’s current business and the commercialization of various ideas to continue SIJ’s development.
Busetto focused on the role of the private sector and entrepreneurs in sustainable development and played a leading role in the field of sustainable investment at the United Nations (UN), while at the UNDP. And he has been involved in building relationships with overseas strategic partners and launching and promoting our business by utilizing the global network that he developed during his time at UNDP. He will continue to play a key role in the global growth of SIJ’s overall business and lead SIJ’s diverse business activities as a management member.

With this new management structure, SIJ aims to further develop its global business and maximize its value and impact by strengthening its organizational capacity to facilitate the transition and shift toward a sustainable society. We look forward to your continued engagement and support.

Brief Biography of Newly Appointed Co-CEO Shohei Maekawa

Shohei Maekawa
April 2007             Mitsui & Co.
September 2017   Boston Consulting Group
January 2022        Joined the Company (CSO and COO)

New Management Structure

TitleNew post/Current post
Mamoru TaniyaDirector, ChairpersonCurrent post
Bradley BusettoDirector, Vice ChairpersonNew Post
Mari KogisoRepresentative Director, Co-CEOCurrent post
Shohei MaekawaRepresentative Director, Co-CEONew Post

About SDG Impact Japan Inc:

SDG Impact Japan was founded by finance and sustainability professionals and specializes in sustainable finance. We work with leading domestic and international partners to formulate and promote sustainability-focused investment strategies and incubate innovative businesses that contribute to improving sustainability. We create a sustainable future for people and the planet through investments that lead to sustainable ideas and technology impact.

Wataru Baba

Senior Fellow, Climate and Sustainability at Panasonic Group since 2022, where he accelerated the company’s growth through an integrated strategy for creating positive impact on climate change and established Sustainability Committee, chaired by the Group CEO. Board Member of Japan Professional Football League (J.League) and Independent Director for a civic technology nonprofit, Code for Japan, and a web3 startup, Financie, Inc