
AgFunder SIJ Impact Fundの投資先であるVaraha社は、Google社が同社から10万トンのバイオ炭の炭素除去クレジットを購入することに合意したと発表しました。これはGoogle社にとって最大規模のバイオ炭クレジットの購入になります。Varahaの共同設立者、CEOのMadhur Jainによるこのパートナーシップに関するブログはこちらになります。また、下記はその詳細に関する記事です:
弊社CISOのサシャ・べスリックが「FOR THE WORLD’S PROFIT」へ章を寄稿いたしました

弊社CISOのサシャ・べスリックが米国ワシントンD.C.に本部を置く非営利団体であるBrookings Institutionが出版した「FOR THE WORLD’S PROFIT How Business Can Support Sustainable Development」に第6章「Scaling Sustainable Finance The Role of Asset Owners」を寄稿させていただきました。

SDG Impact Japan(Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Directors and Co-CEOs: Mari Ogiso and Shohei Maekawa; hereinafter “SIJ”), which promotes business incubation and sustainable investment for the realization of a sustainable society for the next generation, has invested in MUDALESS Co. SIJ will contribute to the creation of a decarbonized society through collaboration with MUDALESS. MUDALESS was founded in October 2011 as a company that provides energy-saving services to the manufacturing industry as well as support for business improvement and other decarbonization-related services through DX in the manufacturing industry. The reality is that domestic manufacturing facilities have not sufficiently maintained, streamlined, and updated the functions of facilities and equipment that are […]

SDG Impact Japan, Inc. (“SIJ”) has established a joint venture with Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd. (“J-Power”), the Japanese major independent power producer, to promote Joint Crediting Mechnism (JCM) [1] generated from hydropower projects operated by PT Mulya Energi Lestari (“MEL”), the developer and operator of hydropower projects in Indonesia. J-Power and SIJ will invest in MEL through a newly established Joint Venture Company. SIJ has been providing support to MEL’s business through its wholly owned subsidiary, SIJ Climate LLC (“SIJ Climate”), and has decided to collaborate with J-Power to expand MEL’s operation through capital injection and cooperation in JCM credits. MEL is an operating company established in 2016 that develops, […]
SDGインパクトジャパン、Bio Engineering Capitalと資本業務提携

— Strengthening Efforts to Promote Impact Investments Focused on Healthcare-related Ventures — SDG Impact Japan Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Directors: Mari Kogiso and Shohei Maekawa, hereafter referred to as “SIJ”), which promotes business incubation and sustainable investments towards realizing a sustainable society for future generations and Bio Engineering Capital Inc. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yuki Shimahara, hereafter referred to as “BEC”), a company that supports entrepreneurs in life sciences fields such as medical AI/DX and regenerative medicine, has entered into a strategic and capital partnership with. As part of this partnership, Mamoru Taniya, Chairperson of SIJ, has been appointed as Chairperson of BEC, and Shohei Maekawa, Co-CEO of SIJ, […]

Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) and SDG Impact Japan Inc. (“SIJ”) have entered into a capital and business tie-up to jointly pursue global warming solutions and advance low-carbon businesses. Under this agreement, the two companies will explore collaboration to generate carbon credits for renewable energy projects in developing countries, with a view to utilize Japan’s Joint Crediting Mechanism (“JCM”),1 as well as to partner on decarbonization and circular economy-related start-up investments and incubations. Sojitz has established the Sustainability Challenge as its long-term vision for 2050 and aims to create sustainable growth for both Sojitz and society by working to help achieve a decarbonized society through its business activities and by responding to […]
5/24 CEO前川がJapan Times主催Special Evening Roundtableに登壇

On May 24, our Co-CEO Shohei Maekawa participated in the “Special Evening Roundtable: Building a Greener Future for Japan” hosted by the Japan Times. The discussion focused on the current status and challenges of sustainability initiatives in Japan. It was a great opportunity to interact with like-minded people. Special Evening Roundtable: Building a Greener Future for Japan
5/22-23 RI Japan 2024に弊社CISOサシャ・べスリックが登壇いたしました

On May 22nd, “Plenary 3: What Role Should Japan Play in Countering the ESG Backlash? The panelists discussed the backlash against ESG and its impact. Despite the emphasis on acronyms and some ESG bashing, he expressed his view that sustainability is at the core of corporate management and that the essence of ESG will continue to be an important factor in the financial industry. He was also a speaker at the May 23rd workshop “Risk-Return-Impact: how impact investing is changing the paradigm.” A lively discussion ensued on the topic of impact investing, which is on the rise.
RIMM Japan: 株式会社エル・ティー・エス、株式会社ME-Lab Japanとの業務提携

Joint research to develop “Climate Hybrid Risk” IndicatorsAccelerating GX management support using AI On 16th May 2024, our group company RIMM Japan Inc. (headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Chairman of the Board: Masashi Yamashita) and its parent company, RIMM Sustainability Pte Ltd. (headquarters: Singapore; CEO: Ravi Chidambaram; hereinafter, both companies are collectively referred to as “RIMM”), have entered into a business partnership with LTS Corporation (headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Hiroaki Kabashima; hereinafter, LTS) and its wholly owned subsidiary, ME-Lab Japan Inc. (same company; President and CEO: Takumi Sakauchi), to conduct joint research on the development of new climate risk assessment indicators and provide services related to ESG assessment. Through this […]
RI Japan 2024に弊社CISOサシャ・べスリックが登壇いたします

RI Japan 2024Venue: Toranomon Hills ForumDate: 22-23 May 2024Session: Plenary 3: Countering the anti ESG backlash, does Japan have a meaningful role to play?