SDGインパクトジャパン x フェルマータ共同イベントレポート
On July 4, SDG Impact Japan (SIJ) and fermata Inc. (fermata) co-hosted an event titled “Femtech Market Momentum and Potential Based on Domestic and International Market Trends and Case Studies” for businesspersons interested in femtech area. In the first half of the event, Amina Sugimoto (“Amina”), CEO of fermata and a doctor of public health, and Sho Masubuchi, who is in charge of SIJ’s gender impact investment strategy, took the stage to give an overview of current and outlook of femtech market. In the latter half of the session, participants discussed the theme of “What kind of cooperation and measures are necessary to accelerate the femtech market in Japan?” Speakers […]
NextGen ESG戦略アニュアルレポート2023を発行いたしました。
We need more than net positive businesses; we need a net positive movement. At SDG Impact Japan, we believe there is a way to achieve practical and actionable change, across businesses large and small. NextGen ESG Japan fund invests in listed midsize companies in Japan. The fund is a focused, long-term oriented impact fund with engagementsto create tangible impact. Deeds rather than words are the guiding principles closely linked to its core investment. We are honored to receive special award for NextGen ESG Japan from the Japanese Ministry of Environment. The Ministry noted especially our pioneering deep engagement with portfolio companies on sustainability.The award is a huge encouragement for us […]
Through the Gender Lens: A Closer Look at Japan’s Equality Landscape
As the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals bring gender disparities into sharp focus, Japan grapples with its traditional norms while showing hints of positive shifts. Here, we explore the root causes behind gender inequality, the role of government and how investors can bring about positive change. Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The gender snapshot 2023 Halfway to the end point of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the world is failing to achieve gender equality, making it an increasingly distant goal. If current trends continue, more than 340 million women and girls will still live in extreme poverty by 2030, and close to one in four will experience moderate or severe […]
Bridging the Climate Finance Gap
Exploring the innovative role of Japan’s Joint Crediting Mechanism in climate finance and empowering sustainable initiatives in developing nations. Our planet is facing an unprecedented challenge: the accelerating impacts of climate change. Extreme weather events are no longer rare occurrences but frequent reminders of a warming Earth. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has made it crystal clear: to cap global warming at 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, immediate, transformative action is vital. The stakes are high—global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions must be halved by 2030. Yet, amidst these demanding targets, the global community struggles with financial commitments. While climate finance reached an average of $803 billion in 2019-20201, it […]
Sasja Beslik examines the progress of ESG over the past five years, highlighting the power of ESG in driving transparency and accountability to drive positive change. Over the past half-decade since ESG emerged as a concept, it has evolved through various guises. Initially known as socially responsible investment or responsible investments, it has more latterly (inaccurately) been referred to as ‘sustainable investing’. ESG has managed to take a central role, not as the core actor in the theatre of capitalism, but at least as a member of the crew. It positioned itself between regulators and companies, addressing issues that were previously overlooked in the market, especially in terms of environmental […]
A Glimpse into the Future of Sustainable Business Sasja Beslik, Chief Investment Strategy Officer, explores ESG trends in Japan The world of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in Japan is evolving. This analysis by Sasja Beslik, Chief Investment Strategy Officer, provides insight into the shifting landscape of ESG trends in Japan and an insightful compass for the years ahead. The Changing Tides of ESG in Japan The landscape of ESG is changing in Japan. As Japanese companies realize the benefits of sustainable business practices, they will continue to develop new business driven sustainable strategies to incorporate these into their operations and investments. A mounting body of evidence suggests that companies […]
Unearthing the potential and challenges for Japanese companies Japanese companies have long been known for their long-termism, and for adopting purpose-driven missions that consider stakeholders’ benefits in their business activities. The country is home to more than 40 percent of the world’s companies with over a hundred-year-old history[1]. And the government continues to increasingly promote ESG and sustainability through incentives and regulatory moves. Japan is in a sense reaching an ESG tipping point. The Environmental Push The Japanese government committed to net zero emissions by 2050 and launched the Green Growth Strategy, a set of industrial policies to achieve the ambitious target. Together with Japan’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), this […]